
English opens many doors for young children in Japan.


Learning English opens many doors for young children in Japan, providing opportunities that go beyond the obvious advantages of being bilingual. First, English is the modern world’s lingua franca (general universal language), employed in international business, science, and diplomacy. In a global employment market where English is frequently required for critical positions, Japanese children can gain a significant edge by studying English at a young age.


Learning English also increases cognitive capacities. Children who acquire a second foreign language improve their problem-solving abilities, creativity, and memory, according to research. This is due to the fact that language learning requires the brain to shift between different language structures and vocabularies, which can boost multitasking abilities.  This also benefits them greatly when preparing for exams.


English is the cultural entryway to a huge array of knowledge and media. The majority of the world’s digital content is available in English, providing youngsters with information and educational resources that they would not have access to in their home language. Students will be able to interact with international peers and gain awareness of global citizenship.


In terms of education, English fluency is frequently required for admittance to the world’s best colleges. Early English instruction can be the deciding factor in achieving academic goals for Japanese youngsters who want to study overseas.


In summary, learning English provides young Japanese children with job chances, cognitive growth, cultural exposure, and increased educational opportunities, making it a worthwhile investment in their future.


We encourage every child to aim high and become fluent in English.  In a fast-changing world, it is important to stay ahead, to be at the front, to be chosen first in large part to being fluent and bilingual in English and your native language.


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