Don’t Give Up!

Don’t give up! You have studied and tried so hard to prepare for the next English proficiency exam. There was focus, sincerity, planning, and time that all went together to make you ready for that big day. Yet after the test, you received the result of “not pass.”

You are not alone in this experience. So many have been through this same scenario as you have. Now, the question is, will you give up or will you press on to do it again? Even the best have had their moments of failure when after doing all they could do, they came up short .

I want you to consider some of the great names of history; Einstein, Abraham Lincoln, Thomas Edison, Steve Jobs, to name a few. How did they get to where they were, by giving up, by quitting, by focusing on the negative? NO!

You are in good company IF you join with them and press on again. “Don’t Give Up!”

Your next exam can be the passing exam. I teach my students not to say, “I can do it,” but rather say, “I will do it.” By say that, there is a stronger sense of determination and fortitude that will not lie down and roll over. But instead, they learn from what happened and stand up, brush themselves off, and get right back into preparing for the next race or exam.

This is what the great olympians have done, and this is you. The difference between the good and the great is that decision while you are down, to stand right back up and press on. A famous runner in the 1924 Olympics, Eric Liddell, was in such a moment. While running in a race, he was knocked down by another runner. In the movie scene, he looked up, then stood up, then with all his might he started running again. In fact, he ran so fast, that he caught up with the other runners and passed them all to win the race. Extraordinary you will say. Yes, and that is you also. Be extraordinary! Be extra ordinary!

So, rather than moping around after a failure, quickly get back up and press on because YOU want to WIN. You want to achieve your goal. The mark of greatness begins in the heart and mind. Decide today to do it again and WIN!


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