Topics 1


Conversation Topics

Practice talking about the following topics. Give details and examples to support your answer. Think about the Wh’ questions to help you (who, what, when, where, why, how). Also consider using (do, does, did, can, could, will, wouldn’t in the affirmative and negative tense).

Practice 1

Sample Answers: short and long responses for Row 1:

  1. Your name (first, last, spell):
  • Short: “My name is John Doe, J-O-H-N D-O-E.”
  • Long: “Hello, my name is John Doe. My first name is spelled J-O-H-N and my last name is spelled D-O-E. I like my name because it’s simple and easy to remember.”
  1. Your country:
  • Short: “I am from Japan.”
  • Long: “I come from Japan, a beautiful country known for its rich culture, advanced technology, and delicious cuisine. I love the cherry blossoms in spring and the bustling cities like Tokyo.”
  1. Your house:
  • Short: “My house is small but cozy.”
  • Long: “I live in a small but cozy house with my family. It has two bedrooms, a nice kitchen, and a lovely garden where we grow flowers and vegetables. It’s a peaceful place that feels like home.”
  1. Your family:
  • Short: “I have a small family.”
  • Long: “I have a small, close-knit family. There are my parents, my younger brother, and our dog, Max. We enjoy spending time together, whether it’s having dinner, watching movies, or going on weekend trips.”
  1. Your favorite outfit (clothes):
  • Short: “I love wearing jeans and a t-shirt.”
  • Long: “My favorite outfit is a pair of comfortable jeans and a t-shirt. It’s casual and perfect for everyday activities. I like to pair it with sneakers and sometimes a jacket if it’s chilly.”
  1. Your favorite animal sound:
  • Short: “I like the sound of birds chirping.”
  • Long: “My favorite animal sound is the chirping of birds. It’s very soothing and reminds me of peaceful mornings spent in nature. I especially love hearing them when I go for early morning walks.”
  1. Your favorite word:
  • Short: “My favorite word is ‘imagine.'”
  • Long: “My favorite word is ‘imagine.’ It’s a powerful word that opens up endless possibilities and creativity. Whenever I hear it, I think about dreaming big and creating new ideas.”
  1. Your favorite smell:
  • Short: “I love the smell of fresh bread.”
  • Long: “My favorite smell is the aroma of freshly baked bread. It reminds me of my childhood when my grandmother used to bake bread every Sunday. The warm, inviting scent always makes me feel at home.”

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