Easy daily steps to learn fluent English

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Converse with Confidence: Proven Tips to Boost Your English Skills


Do you want to improve your English speaking skills but lack the confidence? Having confidence is crucial for boosting your conversation abilities. In this post, we’ll share proven tips to help you converse with poise and self-assurance in English.

  1. 毎日少しずつ練習する
  2. 間違えるのを恐れない
  3. 英語に触れる機会を作る
  4. ジェスチャーや表情を活用する
  5. 自分の成長を実感する
  1. Practice consistently, even if just for a little every day
  2. Don’t be afraid to make mistakes
  3. Create opportunities to immerse yourself in English
  4. Use gestures and facial expressions to aid communication
  5. Recognize and celebrate your progress


Building true confidence takes time and consistent practice. However, by applying these tips, you’ll gradually gain the poise to converse eloquently in English. We encourage you to embrace these strategies and enjoy engaging in English conversations with newfound confidence!

Practice: Listen and repeat each phrase. Use the same intonation, stress, and speed. (設定で音声速度を調整します: 速くまたは遅く)

  • Hello.
  • Hi.
  • How are you?
  • How’s it going?
  • How have you been?
  • Hello.
  • Hi.
  • Good.
  • Great.
  • Pretty good.
  • Fine.
  • Not bad.
  • Ok.
  • Not so good.
  • Awful.
  • Terrible.

Keep looking at your bright future of English fluency.

Riverlife Academy
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