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Discussion Topics

List of Topics for A2 Level

Weather, Sports, Music, Movies, Travel, Friends, Hobbies, Food, Technology, Family

A2 English Discussion Topics

A2 English Discussion Topics


Student A

  1. How many people are in your family?
  2. Do you have any siblings?
  3. Who are you closest to in your family?
  4. What do you like to do with your family?
  5. Do you live with your parents?
  6. How often do you see your extended family?
  7. What’s your favorite family tradition?
  8. Do you look like anyone in your family?
  9. What’s the best advice a family member gave you?
  10. How do you celebrate birthdays in your family?

Student B

  1. Describe a typical family dinner at your home.
  2. Do you have any family pets?
  3. What’s your favorite childhood memory with your family?
  4. How do you help your family at home?
  5. Do you want to have a big or small family in the future?
  6. What languages does your family speak?
  7. Do you have any family members living abroad?
  8. What’s the most important thing your parents taught you?
  9. How does your family celebrate holidays?
  10. Who makes decisions in your family?


Student A

  1. What’s your favorite season? Why?
  2. How’s the weather today?
  3. Do you prefer hot or cold weather?
  4. What do you do on a rainy day?
  5. How does weather affect your mood?
  6. What’s the weather usually like in your hometown?
  7. Have you ever seen snow?
  8. What clothes do you wear in summer?
  9. Do you check the weather forecast often?
  10. What’s your ideal weather for a vacation?

Student B

  1. What’s your least favorite type of weather?
  2. How do you stay cool in hot weather?
  3. What activities do you enjoy in spring?
  4. Have you ever experienced extreme weather?
  5. How does the weather change your daily routine?
  6. What’s the best season for outdoor activities?
  7. Do you like thunderstorms?
  8. What do you wear in winter?
  9. How does weather affect transportation in your city?
  10. What’s your favorite thing about autumn?


Student A

  1. What’s your favorite sport?
  2. Do you play any sports?
  3. How often do you exercise?
  4. What sports are popular in your country?
  5. Do you prefer watching or playing sports?
  6. Have you ever been to a live sports event?
  7. What’s your favorite sports team?
  8. Do you think sports are important for health?
  9. What sport would you like to try?
  10. Do you follow any sports on TV or online?

Student B

  1. Who’s your favorite athlete?
  2. What sports did you play as a child?
  3. Do you prefer individual or team sports?
  4. What’s the most exciting sport to watch?
  5. How do sports bring people together?
  6. What sport is difficult for you?
  7. Do you like extreme sports?
  8. How can sports teach life skills?
  9. What sports facilities are near your home?
  10. Do you think professional athletes earn too much money?


Student A

  1. What’s your favorite type of music?
  2. Can you play any musical instruments?
  3. How often do you listen to music?
  4. Who’s your favorite singer or band?
  5. Do you like going to concerts?
  6. What music is popular in your country?
  7. Do you sing karaoke?
  8. How does music affect your mood?
  9. What’s the first album you bought?
  10. Do you listen to music while studying or working?

Student B

  1. What kind of music don’t you like?
  2. Have you ever been in a band or choir?
  3. What’s your favorite song right now?
  4. Do you think music is important in life?
  5. How has your taste in music changed over time?
  6. What’s your opinion on classical music?
  7. Do you use music streaming services?
  8. What’s your favorite music video?
  9. How do you discover new music?
  10. What music reminds you of your childhood?


Student A

  1. What’s your favorite movie?
  2. How often do you go to the cinema?
  3. Do you prefer watching movies at home or in theaters?
  4. What genre of movies do you like best?
  5. Who’s your favorite actor or actress?
  6. What was the last movie you watched?
  7. Do you like watching foreign films?
  8. What’s the best movie you’ve seen this year?
  9. Do you ever watch movies more than once?
  10. What snacks do you like to eat while watching movies?

Student B

  1. What’s your least favorite type of movie?
  2. Do you watch movies in English?
  3. What’s the most emotional movie you’ve seen?
  4. Do you like 3D movies?
  5. Who do you usually watch movies with?
  6. What’s your favorite movie quote?
  7. Do you think movies influence society?
  8. What movie would you recommend to a friend?
  9. Do you like watching movie trailers?
  10. If you could be in any movie, which one would you choose?


Student A

  1. What’s your dream vacation destination?
  2. Have you ever traveled abroad?
  3. Do you prefer beach holidays or city breaks?
  4. What’s the best trip you’ve ever taken?
  5. Do you like to plan your trips or be spontaneous?
  6. What do you always pack when you travel?
  7. How do you usually travel: by car, train, or plane?
  8. What’s your favorite thing about traveling?
  9. Do you prefer to travel alone or with others?
  10. What’s the most beautiful place you’ve visited?

Student B

  1. What country would you like to visit next?
  2. Do you enjoy learning about different cultures?
  3. What’s the worst travel experience you’ve had?
  4. How do you deal with jet lag?
  5. Do you like trying local food when you travel?
  6. What’s your favorite souvenir from a trip?
  7. Do you prefer staying in hotels or hostels?
  8. How do you prepare for a long journey?
  9. What languages can you speak when traveling?
  10. Would you like to live in another country?
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